Warehouse Services
Interstate Hotel Installation offers complete warehousing services for hotel, casino and commercial services. We have a facility to warehouse and service your needs. We offer a Warehouse Furniture Management for all our customers. We will warehouse your stock and handle it at a very low cost. We will keep a detailed inventory of your merchandise (furniture, artwork, upholstery, mattresses etc...) As you may need your product we will provide the service to deliver and install it at your convenience. By allowing us to warehouse your added stock it will give you the ability to concentrate on your core business. Warehousing allows you the flexibility on converting many of your fixed cost to variable cost.
- Furniture Installation
- Warehousing
- Inventory Management
- Transportation
- Distribution
- New Building
- Secured Warehouse
- Air Cooled
- Reliable Staff
- Experienced Supervisors
As you need for more space, increases or decreases IHI Corp can be flexible enough to accommodate these situations. Our services include delivery and installation of any selection of furniture. This includes any public space, restaurants, casino areas, offices and guest rooms. Also, specializing in the installation of artwork. We will keep a computer inventory of all your products available at your request.
We look forward to servicing you with your warehouse and installation needs.